About Me

I'm a writer in Los Angeles, with more than my share of the struggle to get free. I've written screenplays, two children's books,articles for the New York Times and published a novel, Restraint, an erotic thriller. I have a master's degree from Harvard Divinity School. This blog is a ongoing record of what I've learned, what I'm learning and what I'm still realizing I need to know, as I work my way toward change.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


(The realization that none of us owns the truth) is the basis of all our tolerance, social, religious and political. The forgetting of it lies at the root of every stupid mistake that rulers over subject-peoples make. The first thing to learn in intercourse with others is non-interference with their peculiar ways...no one should presume to judge them off-hand. The pretension to dogmatize about them in each other is the root of most human injustices and cruelties, and the trait in human character most likely to make the angels weep.
     William James in his essay, "What Makes A Life Significant." 

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