About Me

I'm a writer in Los Angeles, with more than my share of the struggle to get free. I've written screenplays, two children's books,articles for the New York Times and published a novel, Restraint, an erotic thriller. I have a master's degree from Harvard Divinity School. This blog is a ongoing record of what I've learned, what I'm learning and what I'm still realizing I need to know, as I work my way toward change.

Friday, December 25, 2015


I take it as a given that it is we humans who confer meaning and value to our experience.  We don't discover a meaning and value out beyond our consciousness. Experience comes to us through our senses and we interpret it, we give it meaning, we assess its truth.  When Victor Frankl says that no matter what our experience is, we are always free to change our attitude, to create new meaning, he is pointing to the greatest freedom we have, the great gift consciousness confers, which is the ability to interpret, to choose, what our experience means.

We may suffer but out of our consciousness and our spirit we are able to find a larger context for that suffering, a framework to discover the deeper meaning and purpose of our experience.  That search for context, for the deeper meaning, is what I intend to write about here.  I especially intend to write about the freedom that search confers.

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